Randy Savage vs. Ultimo Dragon (WCW Worldwide 1/31/1998)

WCW C-level shows really are the place to go for the “Wait, did that really happen” matches. This is two guys on totally different levels of the WCW hierarchy, but I’m curious exactly how much they’ll do in five minutes. Savage offers a handshake at the start but Ultimo doesn’t accept it. Savage then offers … Continue reading Randy Savage vs. Ultimo Dragon (WCW Worldwide 1/31/1998)

Stevie Richards vs. Mikey Whipreck (ECW Hostile City Showdown 4/15/95)

The crowd is solidly behind Mikey in this match. Raven is here with Stevie who misses a charge and eats some punches from Mikey. Mikey knocks him down with a haymaker but Raven trips him as he hits the ropes. Mikey slides out of the ring and heads to the back and comes back with … Continue reading Stevie Richards vs. Mikey Whipreck (ECW Hostile City Showdown 4/15/95)

Buddy Rose & Doug Somers vs. The Midnight Rockers (AWA 8/30/86)

The Midnight Rockers are Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. Rose and Somers are accompanied by Sherri Martel and are defending the AWA tag team titles. The announcers make a weird comment about the crowd being quiet while they’re loudly booing Rose and Somers. Buddy Rose stalls early and doesn’t want anything to do with Shawn. … Continue reading Buddy Rose & Doug Somers vs. The Midnight Rockers (AWA 8/30/86)

Hair vs. Hair Deathmatch: Dump Matsumoto vs. Chigusa Nagayo (AJW 8/28/85)

One of the amazing things about AJW is going from the live song and dance performance to the gritty, bloody, emotional drama of a match like this. It feels like something that could never happen again and yet it was a big part of a hugely popular company. Dump has her whole crew of ruffians … Continue reading Hair vs. Hair Deathmatch: Dump Matsumoto vs. Chigusa Nagayo (AJW 8/28/85)

Jumping Bomb Angels (Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno) vs. Jaguar Yokota & Yukari Omori (AJW 8/28/85)

This is a part of AJW’s Tag League The Best, the AJW version of the Real World Tag League. The Bomb Angels are best known to most North American fans from their few appearances in the WWF in 1987 & 1988.  The Bomb Angels start the match with a double dropkick. Jaguar gets the advantage … Continue reading Jumping Bomb Angels (Itsuki Yamazaki & Noriyo Tateno) vs. Jaguar Yokota & Yukari Omori (AJW 8/28/85)

Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori (AJW St. Final Battle 12/6/93)

This is the singles rematch to what I might call the greatest match ever depending on the day. The Dream Slam match from April 1993 is an amazing performance from both wrestlers and an amazing display of brutality. They had a tag match against each other, also in April, and this is the singles rematch. … Continue reading Akira Hokuto vs. Shinobu Kandori (AJW St. Final Battle 12/6/93)