This is a continuation of the Jacobs/Whitmer feud and the Cabana/Jacobs/Lacey love triangle. All six are wearing their street fight gear which means mostly jeans and tank tops, although Jimmy does have a button-down shirt and suit pants.

The early part of this match is four people brawling on the floor while two are in the ring.  Jimmy gets in the ring and spears Cabana but his team quickly ends up on the wrong side of things. Pearce, Jacobs and Lacey all get stacked in the corner so Cabana can throw Daizee into them.

Jacobs and Whitmer brawl into the crowd and throw chairs and signs at each other. Jimmy uses the sound equipment case as a weapon against BJ to gain a brief upper hand. A hard camera cut to Pearce and Cabana shows Pearce flying through a row of chairs while Jimmy & BJ fight back toward the ring.

A wide angle shot shows a nice spinebuster from Whitmer as Cabana gets sent into the guardrail. Picture in picture comes into play and we see Lacey chopping Daizee on the floor. The full focus come back to the ring as BJ chokes Jimmy with Jimmy’s belt until he gets spiked to break things up. Jimmy delivers another spike shot and busts BJ open. Jimmy stabs some more as Pearce stops Cabana from saving. Jimmy forces BJ into the corner and stabs away.

BJ blocks a Contra Code but Jimmy spikes him with a reverse rana. Cabana pulls him out of the cover and hits an air raid crash across the knees. Lacey and Daizee come into the ring and Jimmy hits a low blow while Lacey distracts Cabana. Jimmy duct tapes Cabana’s arms behind his back and Jacobs hits Cabana in the throat with a high heeled shoe. Jacobs puts a chair around Cabana’s head but BJ gets back in to save. He hits the top rope exploder on Jacobs and gets the pin.

Final Thoughts: This was another step on the Whitmer-Jacobs journey and it was an entertaining brawl the whole way through. Pearce and Daizee were largely nonfactors during the match but BJ & Jimmy had some fun moments together and the heel to the throat was an escalation of the Jacobs-Cabana feud heading into their upcoming street fight. ***- A good next step of the journey. The brawling was energetic and everyone worked hard, but it definitely feels like a step towards something bigger and not a major part of the feud on its own.

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