A year after their big ROH blow off, IWA-MS brought this feud back with a pair of brutal matches. Jimmy complains about how people are still upset that he threw the IWA title in the garbage and that this is unfair. Jimmy and BJ both get mixed reactions; Jimmy due to his history and BJ due to his connection with Jim Fannin.

Fannin trips up Jimmy right away but these two just start brawling right away. BJ runs Jacobs into a fan held chair before they get back to punching. BJ bounces Jimmy off the wall and attacks the face as the ref starts asking if he wants to quit.

Jimmy sets BJ up and a chair and then comes over the top with a plancha which smashes BJ and the chair. Jimmy chokes BJ with the belt so Fannin interferes to break things up. They trade belt shots before Jimmy takes things back into the ring.

Jimmy uses chokes and headbutts before calling a for a kendo stick. BJ goes to the eyes and Fannin goes after the fan who gave Jimmy the stick. BJ works over Jimmy with the stick. Fannin tries to tape Jimmy into the ropes as BJ holds him. Jimmy bites and stomps but he ends up getting taped anyway. BJ goes after the injured knee with the kendo stick and Jimmy refuses to quit. Fannin gets involved again and hangs Jimmy’s leg on the ropes giving BJ and even more clear shot. BJ delivers a headshot and Jimmy spits which just results in BJ hitting an even nastier shot.

Fannin helps BJ choke Jimmy in the corner and BJ hits a running kick to the trapped Jacobs. Jimmy keeps stomping at BJ’s feet and he hits a headbutt to get some distance. Jimmy gets a hand free and starts dragging himself down the ring rope with one hand still attached. Repeated double stomps to BJ and a Whoopie Cushion are all he can do with his hand attached. Finally, security cuts Jimmy lose and he’s able to hook in the End Times choke. BJ tries countering out with a northern lights suplex but Jimmy holds on. BJ powers up again and both guys go over the top to the floor and the hold finally gets broken.

BJ sends Jimmy into the post then hits him right on top of the head with a chair shot. Jimmy starts bleeding and BJ follows this up with a series of headbutts. Fannin passes in the kendo stick and BJ delivers another headshot. Five more finally knock Jimmy down and then BJ goes back to the bad leg with a figure four. Fannin yanks Jimmy off the ropes whenever he gets close and BJ delivers another cane shot while the figure four is hooked in. Jimmy goes out in the figure four and the ref calls for the bell. Fannin gets in and declares this bullshit and screams that the match doesn’t end until Jimmy quits.

The ref restarts the match and BJ goes right back to the figure four. Jimmy gets the spike out the top of his cane stabs BJ in the face. BJ goes back to the knee and gets the spike, but Jimmy goes to his boot for the back up spike. Both guys charge and stab and now BJ is bleeding too. Another charge and another stab. Third time they stand up and hockey fight with the spikes which BJ gets the best of until Jimmy goes low with the spike. He kicks BJ low and spikes BJ low to get the submission.

Fannin gives in post-match but Jimmy runs him off with both spikes. BJ down and bloody while Jimmy celebrates with three spikes is a hell of a visual to end on.

Final Thoughts: This was a brutal fight from beginning to end. What’s equally impressive is that they grounded all of the over-the-top violence and gore in the story of Jimmy’s bad knee. Jimmy came across as a valiant fighter during this match which brought a split crowd mostly over to his side by the end while BJ was a strong bully who just overwhelmed Jimmy until the spikes came out and he found himself unable to meet Jimmy’s brutal side. They also left enough room for a rematch with the referee restart where Fannin’s quest for revenge cost BJ a win against his rival. ****1/4- A great I Quit Match and a brutal chapter in the feud between two guys who brought out the best in each other.

This match can be found at https://independentwrestling.tv/promotion/IWA-Mid-South

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