Shad Satu is now better known as Satu Jinn. This match is within the first 20 Satu has listed on Cagematch and it’s not that much higher for Mance, so this is an interesting look at a much earlier part of their careers. Mance declares that he’s undefeated in IWA which the crowd disagrees with. Mance at this point doesn’t have any of his nicknames but he does have the promo style. As soon as the ring announcer finishes announcing the competitors, Mance gets back on the microphone to run down Satu.

Satu rushes Mance at the bell and while his forearms don’t look great, he’s got some nasty chops. Satu uses his weight and hits a nice avalanche before shoving Mance down by the forehead. Satu hits a belly to belly but misses a legdrop as Mance bails into the second row. Satu chases and Mance tries pounding away when Satu gets back in the ring.

There’s some clunkiness with a clothesline and a considered whip that Satu just turns into a headbutt, but Mance brings thing back together with a great high knee. He tries holding Satu down with a headlock, but gets overpowered and Satu hits a spinebuster to get the win.

Final Thoughts: This was more interesting than good. Both guys showed the beginnings of what would make them stand out later and Mance got plenty of time to jaw with the crowd. As a match, there wasn’t much there but both guys had one great moment (Satu’s avalanche and Mance’s knee) and both guys had some clunky moments. I’m interested to see what a match from these two guys looks like after they got some more matches under their belts. *1/2- A fun match to take a look at six years down the line in both careers, but not much on its own.

This match can be found at

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