This is a street fight in place of the original Switchblades vs. American Wolves main event that got derailed by Sami Callihan’s leg injury. These two actually had a pretty violent feud in 2010 that spanned a couple promotions before Moxley went to WWE, so this match is rekindling that rivalry. The clips in the hype video come from IPW in Indianapolis presumably due to Dragon Gate USA rights being less easy to come by.

Jimmy knows it’s a street fight so he’s wearing all white and he’s ready to bleed. Jacobs is unique in that everything about him screams underdog babyface but he thrives in crazy, bloody brawls. Moxley’s indie return is one of those incredible things too just because he doesn’t need to bleed in front of a few hundred people, but he just enjoys doing it and more power to him, because he’s great at it.

Mox at this point looks massive compared to Jacobs. Jacobs won’t be psyched out and starts with a kiss. Mox responds with a lariat, sends Jimmy the floor and then shoves him into the crowd. Jacobs climbs back in so Moxley bounces him off the guardrail and punches him down. He follows that up by standing on Jimmy’s head. Jimmy doges a charge and Moxley hits the post. Jimmy gets back in the ring and hits a crossbody to the floor before firing away with punches.

 Moxley uses a hair pull to take down Jacobs and then he pulls out a fork. Moxley stabs once to take down Jacobs and then just takes his back and jabs away at the forehead. He drags the fork along the forehead before posing and celebrating. Jacobs sits up bleeding and Moxley dives back onto him and stabs away at the wound.

Moxley goes outside and tosses a chair into the ring. He gets back in, delivers a few stomps and then body slams Jimmy along with a chair, Necro Butcher style. Mox sets the chair in the corner, but Jacobs counters the whip with a slide and then sends Moxley into the chair.

Jacobs ducks a clothesline as both guys get to their feet. Moxley hits a kick but Jacobs powers through and clotheslines him down. Jimmy hits a cutter from the second rope and fires himself up. He steps on Moxley’s hand to get control of the fork. He throws it away and pulls out his spike instead and hits some big stabs on Moxley before grinding in the spike. Jimmy pulls the spike across Moxley’s mouth.

He goes for the fork and hits stabs with both weapons before biting Moxley’s forehead. He takes too long posing and Moxley is able to avoid a charge and Jimmy spikes the turnbuckle. Moxley hits the ropes and Jimmy hits a spear which gives him the opportunity to go back outside for the barbed wire board. Jacobs leans it in the corner but Moxley is able to grab him with the sleeper. Jacobs drags them toward the corner so he can grab the spike, jabs Moxley twice and then locks in the End Times guillotine choke. Mox powers out and hits a release suplex through the board and a Death Rider gets the pin for Moxley.

Final Thoughts: This was simple, brutal match. Two guys who were all about violence fought to see who was tougher and, in the end, Moxley got the win. They didn’t go over the top with weapons but the spike shots and fork shots had as much intensity as a lot of light tube shots in other matches. ***1/2- A basic display of brutality where both guys had good intensity and, in the end, the tougher guy won. A good return to violence from Jacobs and another strong indie match from Mox.

This match is available on the Highspots Wrestling Network.

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