The FBI here are Tony Mamaluke and Little Guido. Diamond tries rallying the ECW guys together to take out Da Hit Squad but he’s willing to let them just walk away. DHS respond by double clotheslining all four guys. They hit a double team press on Mamaluke, squish him with an avalanche and then dump him to the floor. They take out Guido, hits the double flapjack on Swinger and a big double backdrop on Diamond. The crowd is firmly behind DHS with a small vocal contingent supporting the FBI.

Mafia cuts a mid-match promo letting them know they’re lucky Da Hit Squad wasn’t in ECW. They take the brawl to the floor and Diamond planchas onto Mack, Guido and Swinger. Mafia walks away and Mamaluke throws himself onto Mafia and takes a nasty spill. Diamond and Guido double team Mack. Swinger comes in with a kick to the midsection and hits a Swing Thing on Mack. Mamaluke tags in, tries to back suplex Mack, can’t get him up and then forces him down into an armbar. That was pretty cool.

There’s an ugly attempt to counter a crossbody and both guys fall down. They get back up and Mack hits a powerslam, but Mike Tobin and JD Drake come to the ring and attack Mafia with a chair. Diamond and Swinger hit the Problem Solver on Mack and eliminate Da Hit Squad.

Diamond hits a superkick on Guido to take the advantage. Diamond this a pair of vertical suplexes and a gourdbuster on Guido to get a two count. Swinger keeps Guido down with a back suplex and he and Diamond cut the ring in half. They hit a back suplex-neckbreaker combination and Mamaluke has to save. Guido counters a charge in the corner with a knee and then comes off the second rope with the Sicilian Slice.

Mamaluke tags in and runs wild briefly. He takes down Diamond with a headscissors and chops Swinger, but then he misses a charge and gets hit with the Problem Solver. The FBI’s manager, Dina Divine, interrupts the pin and Dawn Marie gets into the ring to confront her. The Divine low blows Swinger and Guido hits the Last Kiss while Diamond is holding Dawn Marie back from attacking Divine, and the FBI get the win.

Final Thoughts: First thing’s first, the commentary for this match was a million times better than the last ICW show I watched. This match was actually pretty good, especially considering how bad both of the finishes were. The first fall gave Da Hit Squad a chance to show off until the Boogie Knights interference and then The FBI and Simon & Swinger actually had a good, solid tag match until the manager interference finish. Overall, the ECW guys got a fun showcase but Da Hit Squad were clearly portrayed as their equals which is also a massive improvement over the last ICW show I watched. ***- A pleasant surprise of a three-way tag match. The endings to both falls were clunky, but what led up to them was solid.

This match is available on IWTV.

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