Tony Norris is better known as Ahmed Johnson. Greg Valentine is the North American champion and this is a non-title match. Norris cuts an unintelligible promo before the match but he’s definitely unhappy.

Norris backs Valentine into the corner and Valentine comes out with a series of elbows that barely phase Norris. Norris grabs Valentine with a choke, forces him into the corner then biels him across the ring. He shoves past the referee and does the same thing from the other corner. Valentine goes for a lock up and works the arm wringer. Norris powers out and clubs at Valentine’s arm before locking in the armbar.

Valentine gets backdropped once but manages to counter a second with an elbow to the back of the neck. Valentine drops an elbow then pulls Norris up so that he can knock him down with a clothesline. Valentine climbs to the second rope and elbows Norris in the head again. Valentine snapmares Norris but misses an elbow drop. Norris just fires up and runs through Valentine with a tackle. Norris sets up again and gets tripped up by Valentine’s manager, Skandor Akbar. Valentine tries setting up a figure four but Norris kicks him into Akbar and gets a roll up for three.

After the match Valentine hits the elbow on Akbar and drops an elbow. Black Bart hits the ring and sides with Valentine in the beatdown and nobody comes out to save Akbar.

Final Thoughts: This was more of an angle than a match in that it set up a future title match for Norris (probably) and everyone turning on Akbar. They didn’t do much and what they did do didn’t look great, but Norris had a great tackle and Valentine’s elbows were always on point. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much beyond the elbows and a tackle, but they were good, so there’s that. **- Not much of a match and Norris didn’t have much chance to show his explosiveness, but he hit a good tackle and took a lot of elbows from Valentine.

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