Vincent is with Adams. Adams is a member of the nWo which is why Lex is coming after him here. Lex and Adams throw punches as soon as Lex gets into the ring and Adams ends up getting sent over the top to the floor.

Lex follows to the floor with an axe handle and then runs Adams into Virgil. He pulls Adams up by the ponytail and runs him into the ring post before clubbing away with axe handles and some stomps. Lex picks up Adams and runs him shoulder first into the post. Adams tries getting the advantage by going to the eyes but Lex just grabs him and pulls in into the post. He pulls Adams’ arm over the top rope, gets back in the ring and powerslams Adams.

Lex gets distracted by Vincent on the ring apron and takes an elbow to the kidneys. Lex sends him into the ropes but Adams counters a backdrop attempt and follows that with some kicks to the ribs. Lex rolls to the floor and Adams follows with more kicks. Lex gets back in the room, leans on the ropes and gets hit with another kick to the ribs. Adams gives Lex a backbreaker and an elbow shot to the back. He drops a leg and gets a two count on Lex.  Adams sends Lex into the ropes and both guys go down off a double clothesline.

Adams gets up first but Lex stuns him with a kick to the chest. Lex wipes out Virgil and puts Adams into the Torture Rack to get the submission.

Final Thoughts: This was a solid, basic match. Adams worked the ribs with kicks and eventually Lex overcame him and won with the torture rack. The attack on the arm from Lex didn’t go anywhere which made the first few minutes feel a little pointless, but the announcers talked about how it was revenge for Rick Steiner’s arm being hurt, so it was fine as a nod to weekly Nitro watchers. In the end, Lex got a good win and Adams looked fine in defeat. **1/2- A basic match with a simple story of Lex overcoming the attack on the ribs.

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