This was going to be a gauntlet match for Goldberg against the Flock but Saturn demanded it be a one-on-one match. Goldberg is 87-0 at this point. I appreciate the guy who didn’t make a sign and just holds up a WCW magazine. This is a rematch from Spring Stampede and Saturn thinks he’s solved the Goldberg puzzle.

Saturn tries working a hammerlock but Goldberg just grabs his head and throws him. Saturn throws some knees and right hands to stagger Goldberg, but Goldberg ducks a clothesline and lariats Saturn. He hits the gorilla press slam into a powerslam but doesn’t go for a pin. Instead he press slams Saturn again and then hits him with a clothesline. Saturn bails to the floor and Goldberg follows.

Saturn stomps Goldberg getting back into the ring and then throws punches and kicks in the corner. Saturn charges and Goldberg throws a back kick that doesn’t quite land. Saturn legsweeps Goldberg and slaps him which leads to Goldberg popping back to his feet and throwing Saturn into the corner. Golderg stomps him down and chokes him in the corner and Saturn bails to the floor again.

Goldberg follows and punches Saturn down again. He tries to clothesline Saturn against the post but misses and hurts his shoulder. Saturn jumps off the apron with a one legged dropkick and throws Goldberg back into the ring. He goes to the top and hits Goldberg with a spinwheel kick from the top rope. He hits a second in the ring and goes for a sleeper but Goldberg powers out. He tries a second sleeper and Goldberg just pulls Saturn’s arms loose and hits a belly to belly.

Goldberg fires up but Saturn stuns him with kicks and hits a swinging neckbreaker and goes back to the chinlock. Goldberg fights up and hits a neckbreaker to break the chinlock which is an interesting move. Goldberg misses a charge in the corner and Saturn hits an exploder suplex. He rolls to the floor and grabs a chair but opts to superkick Goldberg instead of using it. Saturn uses the chair as a springboard and dropkicks Goldberg in the back. He takes the time to taunt and Goldberg spears him out of the air on a second springboard attempt. Goldberg hits the jackhammer and gets the pin.

Final Thoughts: This was one-sided as it should have been at this point. Saturn was a solid base for Goldberg but the big moments were all Goldberg’s with the press slams, the belly to belly and the spear off the springboard. The best part of that moment though was Goldberg stomping through the chair as a point of emphasis before the jackhammer. Saturn threw a lot of kicks and it’s possible the match could have been even better if there was any point when they might have been a finish, but as a squash match this was at least effective in making Goldberg look dominant. **1/2- A solid one-sided match in Goldberg’s favor where Saturn was mostly just a warm body for him to beat.

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