So after a show long tease of Scott Hall not showing up, he’s here. Dusty Rhodes is with the Outsiders because when you think about the cool nWo offshoot you think Dusty. Hall talks before the match and wants to take a little survey, in public if you will. It’s still bizarre that they let Hall come out week after week to get WCW booed as a company. It’s also weird that he’s having people cheer for the nWo while Giant is also in the nWo. They were still figuring out the whole Wolfpac thing. Giant is excited to team with Sting while Sting isn’t thrilled that Giant just joined the nWo.

Hall throws the toothpick at Sting and Sting responds with crotch chops. Hall puts Sting in the hammerlock, gets hit with a back elbow, and slows things down. Hall and Sting each block a hiptoss before Hall hits a chokeslam. Sting fights back with a bulldog, two atomic dops, two Stinger Splashes and he goes for the Scorpion Deathlock before Nash gets into the ring. Sting fights off both guys before Giant steps in and together they send the Outsiders running.

Sting tags in Giant who isn’t happy with Hall’s taunting. Hall taunts some more before tagging in Nash. The crowd is excited about this as Dusty jumps on the apron to bother Giant. Nash throws punches and teases the powerbomb but Giant forces him into the corner. Nash turns things around and throws knees before choking Giant. Nash clotheslines Giant in the corner; Giant responds in kind and hits a big boot. He follows with an elbow drop and then drives his body into Nash in the corner.

Giant pulls Nash’s hair on the mat as the crowd chants for the Wolfpac. Sting tags in, wipes out Hall, and then walks into a big boot from Nash. Hall tags back in and stomps Sting. Sting tries a crossbody and gets caught. Hall hits the fallaway slam, uses the ropes and gets a two count. He punches Sting down again and tags Nash back in. Nash hits snake eyes and Hall runs him over with a clothesline from the apron.

Giant rallies the crowd behind Sting as Nash tags back in. Hall chokes Sting on the ropes and Nash jumps onto Sting’s back. He throws more knees in the corner and then switches to elbows before choking Sting again. Hall tags back in and goes for a pin without doing any offense. He puts Sting in an abdominal stretch and holds onto Nash for leverage. Sting eventually fights out then misses an elbow drop. Hall rushes back to his corner to tag in Nash who gives Sting a side slam for another two count.

Nash puts Sting into a bearhug as this match starts losing the crowd. It’s weird because they want to cheer for the Outsiders but this whole thing is building to a Giant, the one actual bad guy in the match, hot tag. Sting bites his way out and gets a tag to Giant. Giant clotheslines Nash in the back to knock him down and then throws some great punches to the back of the head. He slams Nash and then drops a low blow headbutt as the crowd chants for the Wolfpac again. Giant drops a leg and gets a two count. Giant goes to the top rope and misses a splash.

Dusty puts the title belt on the ring apron and then takes the referee’s attention. Nash sets up the Jackknife and Hall hits Nash in the back with the title belt. Giant covers him and gets the three. Hall, Giant, and Dusty hug as Sting just watches from the apron. After teasing Sting having to make a decision, the PPV ends and Tony tells us to tune in to Nitro.

Final Thoughts: This is a perfectly acceptably wrestled terrible match. The in-ring stand outs are honestly Nash and Giant with Nash seemingly particularly fired up. Hall didn’t do much and Sting just got beaten on except for his opening flurry, but the whole thing was pretty much doomed from the get go. The crowd was 100% behind the Outsiders which meant Sting got no sympathy as they beat him up. Honestly, the whole thing probably works better if Giant and Sting isolate Nash, as weird as the idea of the giant in peril is. The swerve at the end just raised more questions than answers as there were multiple points when Hall could have cost Nash the match if that was his point. He never fought Giant, but what if he had pinned Sting or Sting had given up to the abdominal stretch? If the goal was to get Giant the title and to try to woo Sting into the nWo with the belts, why not immediately turn on Nash instead of beating Sting up for ten minutes? The biggest issue with the turn, though, is that it makes the main event of the PPV feel like a middle of the hour Nitro moment and a waste of the fifteen minutes it took to get to the turn. *1/2- A badly put together match with a bad ending that obscures some actually decent stuff from Nash and Giant.

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