These two teams faced off a lot; this is one of their lower profile matches. The Steiners are on the road to a collision with Fire & Ice.

Scott runs over Booker T and then throws him with hiptoss where it looked like Booker almost landed on his feet. Scott follows that up with a belly-to-belly and on that one there’s no way Booker ends up on his feet. Booker tags in Stevie Ray, Scott tags in Rick and Stevie wins the slugfest and clubs Rick down. He follows up with a pump kick and then punches in the corner. Rick ducks one clothesline attempt but gets run over with the second.

Rick manages to reverse a whip and catches Stevie with a German suplex coming out of the corner. Scott tags in and immediately gets shoved into the Harlem Heat corner so Booker can tag in. Booker hits a Harlem Sidekick that just sends Scott staggering into the ropes. Booker runs into a boot and Scott runs him over with a clothesline. Stevie cheap shots Scott from the apron and Booker hits another sidekick. Stevie tags in and Harlem Heat hit a double suplex.

Booker tags back in and hits a side slam. He misses a second rope fist drop and Scott makes the tag to Rick. Rick overwhelms Booker with punches and hits a big backdrop. Rick counters a suplex with a cradle that gets pushed over by Stevie. Scott rolls it the other way and the Steiners steal the win.

Final Thoughts: This was a well wrestled five-minute match, but they didn’t do a lot to go beyond the expectations for a basic TV match. Each Steiner hit one big suplex, and other than that they were mostly getting beaten on by Harlem Heat. Stevie and Booker were pretty reliant on kicks and clotheslines, so it was solid but not too memorable and with the limited time given neither team was allowed to show much personality. This was fine, but not a showcase for either team. **- An average, short TV match with a couple nice suplexes and not much else.

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