Luger is the TV champion while Barbarian is one-half of the Faces of Fear. Luger is about to face Giant and the announcers wonder if he’ll be able to get a submission with the Torture Rack.

Barbarian gets the early advantage by running Luger over with a shoulder tackle. Luger backs off before trying to use a headlock. He dazes Barbarian with a shoulderblock of his own, gets a head of steam to knock Barbarian into the ropes with a second, and then clotheslines Barbarian to the floor.Barbarian chooses to kick rather than lock up and knocks Luger down with a follow up elbow. Luger gets a sunset flip for two and a cradle for two. He sets too early for a backdrop and Barbarian hits him with a powerbomb. Barbarian sets Luger on the top rope and tries for a belly-to-belly but Luger fights out. He hits the diving forearm and a powerslam. He tries for the rack but Barbarian thumbs him in the eye.Barbarian sets Luger back on the top rope. Barbarian climbs to the top and hits a super belly-to-belly which was more than a little terrifying. Barbarian fails to connect on a diving headbutt. Luger takes advantage, puts him in the Torture Rack, and gets the submission.Final Thoughts: This was quick and to the point, but they certainly went harder than they needed to with that top rope belly-to-belly the night before the Luger-Giant match on PPV. Outside of that move, this was a good strong guys hitting each other TV match. With that move it gets elevated just a little bit as not only did Luger look strong beating Barbarian by submission, but he also looked tougher since he nearly landed on his head off the top rope and still came back. It’s not must see but it’s a fun TV match with one crazy moment. **1/2- A strong win for Luger with a crazy top rope move to boot.

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