The Midnight Rockers are Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. Rose and Somers are accompanied by Sherri Martel and are defending the AWA tag team titles. The announcers make a weird comment about the crowd being quiet while they’re loudly booing Rose and Somers.

Buddy Rose stalls early and doesn’t want anything to do with Shawn. Eventually they lock up and Rose shoulderblocks Shawn in the corner. He sends Shawn to the other corner and Shawn rolls him up with a sunset flip for two. Rose tries to punch and Shawn sends him back with a punch of his own. Shawn gets a victory roll for another two and a spin kick for another two. Somers grabs Shawn while he’s on the apron and runs him into the ring post. Marty runs around the ring to help and the crowd goes insane when they see Shawn is bleeding all over the place.

Rose stomps Shawn’s forehead then tags Somers in to keep up the attack on the cut. Doug Somers has great punches and Shawn is just swinging at ghosts. Somers hits a knee drop and then tags in Buddy Rose to punch at the cut. Somers takes a minute to taunt Marty before hitting an elbow and some more stomps. Shawn gets one punch in on Somers and then gets stomped for his trouble.Rose takes a couple cheap shots while Somers distracts the referee. Rose and Somers alternate kicks to Shawn until Shawn gets a couple punches in on Somers. 

Somers sends Shawn into the ropes and hits a backdrop that he follows with an elbow drop. He puts Shawn in a chinlock. Somers lets go and lets Shawn get up. Shawn is able to hit a pair of punches that drop Somers but Somers grabs his hand and hits a stomp to stop the tag. He sends Shawn to the apron where Rose is able to get another stomp in. Rose waits for a count out but Shawn is able to get back in at nine. Shawn blocks a pair of punches and hits some of his own but he staggers into the wrong corner. He’s able to fire punches in on Somers and knocks him down with a diving punch. Unfortunately for Shawn, Somers is between him and Marty. Somers and Shawn trade punches and Shawn gets the better of it and falls into a tag.

Marty gets in the ring and runs wild on Somers. He sends Somers into the ring post twice and then chases Buddy Rose away. Sherry gets involved and Rose kicks out Marty’s leg from behind. Rose tags in and bounces Marty off the turnbuckle. He throws some punches and goes for a choke. Shawn comes into the ring but can’t do much, so Marty bites Rose to get some distance. Rose punches Marty down and then pounds on him in the corner. Marty is bleeding all over the place now too as Doug Somers (also bleeding) throws big punches and a dropkick for a two count. Marty throws a punch to Rose but misses a punch on Somers and collapses. He fires up and throws some wild shots with the blood in his eyes. He and Rose trade and Marty gets the best of him and then bites his forehead. 

Rose punches Marty and Marty falls into a tag to Shawn. Shawn tags in and opens up on Rose with punches before turning and slugging it out with Somers. Somers shoves Marty into the referee, dropping him. Rose and Jannetty fight on the floor and Jannetty gets dropped over a chair. Another referee comes out and Rose shoves him down. Somers and Rose double team Shawn with punches and toss the second referee which leads to a no contest.

Final Thoughts: This match feels like the middle chapter of a feud. Somers/Roser and the Rockers hate each other, but they’re not ready to have the title change which is why we get the no contest. There’s a lot of good in this match. Shawn is on point both with his punches and putting over the beating that he takes. Somers and Rose stick to the basics and do a good job dominating Shawn and keeping things interesting. Then Marty tags in and the match just starts to falter. Marty bleeding out of nowhere and then flailing doesn’t really fit into the grittiness that the other three guys were showing. Somers took some big jumps into the post but Marty went from thirty seconds of a good comeback to three minutes of a poor beatdown because of a kick to the back of the leg from Rose. The beatdown on Marty didn’t have the same intensity as what they did to Shawn and rather than build up to a wild out of control melee, Somers and Rose just dominated the Rockers some more until they decided to push the referees. It’s still a match worth checking out for the parts, but the whole match doesn’t really come together for me and everything after Sherri gets involved doesn’t live up to what the beginning of the match promises. ***- It’s a middle chapter with a lot of good parts, but it just doesn’t come together into a great whole match.

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