El Dandy hits the ring and immediately gets jumped by Santanico and thrown into the ring post. Satanico takes a little time to pose while the referee checks on Dandy. He then goes back outside to jump on Dandy during the introductions and brings him into the ring just so he can choke and punch him in the corner. In his defense, Satanico does throw some great punches so you can’t really blame him for showing them off as much as he can. Dandy tries firing up but gets knocked right back down and has his forehead bitten. Satanico brings Dandy out of the corner with a bulldog then drops a knee without leaving his feet which is a cool variation.

Satanico brings Dandy up just so he can punch him back down and then chokes him again. He throws a headbutt and alternates punches with taunts as Dandy bleeds all over the place. Santico poses a little too much and Dandy matches to knock him down with a big punch. He lets the referee know about all the choking and tries biting Satanico, but ends up eating a knee instead as Satanico takes back over. Satanico hits a bodyslam but misses an elbow drop. Dandy tries a victory roll and it gets countered for a two count. He manages to force his way through and gets a two count of his own then kicks Satanico in the back of the head. He gets Satanico running, gives him a drop toe hold, and manages to steal the first fall with a roll up.

Satanico doesn’t take kindly to this and starts the second fall by launching Dandy with a slam. He throws a knee to the lower back and then sets Dandy up for a spinebuster but runs him into the corner instead. Satanico throws a couple kicks to the head and a knee to the stomach. Dandy rolls to the ropes but Satanico uses the rope as leverage for an arm submission hold. They both spill to the floor and trade punches. The referee grabs Dandy by the hair to get his attention and Satanico just unloads on Dandy. The referee grabs Satanico’s hair too but the damage is already done. 

Satanico runs Dandy into the ring post and gets back in the ring to do some more posing. Dandy fires back with a headbutt and a clothesline. He drops a leg but misses a second attempt. He misses a wild backfist and Satanico punches him right in the face. Dandy escapes a backdrop and gets a right rollup for a two count. He tries it again and Satanico turns it into a high angle Boston Crab. Dandy fights back and throws a dropkick, but Satanico counters a hurricanrana attempt and puts him back in the Crab. Dandy fights his way to the ropes and comes back with a punch as Satanico is distracted by the referee. Dandy tries a crossbody and gets kicked square in the privates but the referee doesn’t call it. Satanico sets Dandy up for the Gory Special and transitions it into a pin for the second fall.

The third fall starts with Satanico and Dandy fighting on the floor. They each get sent into a ring post but Dandy gets the advantage and slams Satanico’s head into the frame of the ring. He bites Satanico’s forehead again and bounces him off two ring posts to make sure he’s bleeding too. Dandy is vicious as he bites at the forehead again before sending Satanico back into the ring for more biting. Dandy bounces him off the turnbuckle and bites some more. He throws some disgusting headbutts as Satanico slumps in the corner and bites Satanico again but eats a right hand and a kick to the kidneys for that. Satanico just dives onto Dandy and starts ripping at the cut and showing short punches. Both guys throw some vicious shots from their knees but Dandy is able to get to his feet first. Satanico goes, if not low, very close to low and gets a DDT. Dandy tries a figure four but gets cradled for two.

Satanico takes down Dandy and tries for a cloverleaf, but Dandy kicks him out of the ring. He follows out with an awesome suicide dive which looks like it crushes Satanico. They get back in the ring and Dandy hits a clothesline and a slam. He misses a second rope splash and Satanico puts him in a pendulum. Dandy manages to force his way out and pulls Satanico into a surfboard that ends up with both guys being pinned for two. Dandy tries for the roll up that won him the first fall but Satanico just shoves him off and hits a diving punch to the face which gets him a two count. Dandy rolls from the kick out into a headlock and a bite but Satanico kicks him off. Dandy puts Satanico in a bow and arrow but Satanico gets out and grabs the arm for a tight cradle that gets two.

Dandy whips Satanico into the turnbuckle but a second is countered and Dandy gets thrown through the ropes and into the post. Satanico follows with a legdrop off the apron that crushes Dandy. Satanico gets back in the ring first and kicks Dandy back to the floor as he tries getting in. Satanico hits a big jumping elbow that gets a two. He throws a punch to the back of the head, a backdrop and a huge senton for another two count. Satanico sends Dandy into the ropes and hits a gutbuster. Dandy insists it was a low blow but the referee disagrees and Satanico gets another two count. Dandy whips Satanico into the referee and then goes into a fit claiming Satanico hit a low blow. This time the referee buys it and gives Dandy the win by DQ. Satanico is incensed and punching the turnbuckle as Dandy is so happy that this worked. Satanico briefly gives Dandy credit after the match as he’s the perfect mix of mad and bemused that he just got out cheated.

Final Thoughts: Your mileage may vary on this finish, but everything up to that point was awesome. After matches that had the brutality and not the hate, and had the hate but not the brutality, this was the perfect mix of both. Every minute of this match had Dandy and Satanico showing hate and letting it come out in both their nasty strikes and bites and their willingness to go the extra mile to embarrass their opponent. Satanico was vicious throughout and Dandy was willing to give it right back to him. The first two falls really focused on Satanico but Dandy’s willingness to bend the rules and fight really came through in the third fall as he tore into Satanico’s cut. I like the idea of the finish but I’m not sure I totally buy it just because the referee had already shown that he wasn’t buying into Dandy’s self-identified low blows. Satanico definitely had enough momentum that Dandy would have been desperate enough to try it; I’m just not sure why the referee agreed this time. With that said, this is a fantastic fight and a great showcase of both guys and well worth checking out. ****½- A fantastic brawl with a smart, although not perfect, finish.

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