Tony Norris vs. Greg Valentine (NWA-Dallas 11/5/94)

Tony Norris is better known as Ahmed Johnson. Greg Valentine is the North American champion and this is a non-title match. Norris cuts an unintelligible promo before the match but he’s definitely unhappy. Norris backs Valentine into the corner and Valentine comes out with a series of elbows that barely phase Norris. Norris grabs Valentine … Continue reading Tony Norris vs. Greg Valentine (NWA-Dallas 11/5/94)

Avalanche vs. Sting (WCW Main Event 11/20/94)

John Tenta’s run as Avalanche isn’t talked about much, and with most of it being in the Dungeon of Doom there’s a reason for that, but this feels like a combination that should work given Sting’s chemistry with Vader. Sting poses and Avalanche jumps. Avalanche backs Sting into the corner but Sting rolls out. He … Continue reading Avalanche vs. Sting (WCW Main Event 11/20/94)