Chris Hero vs. Super Dragon (CZW High Stakes II: Night Show 9/11/04)

This match could be great but it really depends on which version of Chris Hero we get here. Hero is in his “Savior of CZW” mode and is defending the Ironman Championship. The crowd is behind Super Dragon which upsets Hero so much that he won’t even talk before the match. The crowd gets on … Continue reading Chris Hero vs. Super Dragon (CZW High Stakes II: Night Show 9/11/04)

I Quit Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Alex Shelley (ROH Joe vs Punk II, 10/26/2004)

Jimmy and Shelley had some moments as a team in ROH, but Jimmy’s been on the wrong end of some Generation Next beatings since then. Shelley has two singles wins over Jacobs going into this. They come out swinging and Jacobs ends up getting dumped to the floor. He pulls Shelley off the apron and … Continue reading I Quit Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Alex Shelley (ROH Joe vs Punk II, 10/26/2004)

Austin Aries vs. Amazing Red (IWA-MS You Gotta See This 5/7/04)

This is an interesting time for both guys as Aries is ascending fast. He’s becoming a mainstay in ROH and Generation Next would be formed a couple weeks after this. Red on the other hand had shifted out of ROH and was still in TNA but not doing much. Honestly, his second TNA run really … Continue reading Austin Aries vs. Amazing Red (IWA-MS You Gotta See This 5/7/04)

Life or Death Fight: Yuji Nagata vs. Kensuke Sasaki (NJPW 1/4/2004)

It’s hard to imagine a match with the title “LIFE OR DEATH FIGHT” could live up to the billing but there are also few wrestlers who can channel hate quite like Sasaki & Nagata.  My understanding of the story of this match (courtesy of is that Nagata is the standing golden boy of New … Continue reading Life or Death Fight: Yuji Nagata vs. Kensuke Sasaki (NJPW 1/4/2004)