Tank vs. Demolition Ax (IWA-MS Rule the School 4/14/07)

This is definitely a heavyweight showdown as both guys are near-300 pounds. Ax is about fifty-nine years old here and he still has the spiked vest and red face paint. They lock up and neither guy can get the advantage. Ax hits the ropes with a pair of shoulder block attempts and only wobbles Tank. … Continue reading Tank vs. Demolition Ax (IWA-MS Rule the School 4/14/07)

BJ Whitmer vs. Takeshi Morishima (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Dayton 2/23/07)

This is the first title defense for Morishima and is a pretty weak one. BJ is still in the middle of his feud with Jimmy Jacobs and he’s nowhere near being a threat to the world title. Morishima jumps BJ at the bell and dumps him to the floor. He stands on BJ’s neck and … Continue reading BJ Whitmer vs. Takeshi Morishima (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Dayton 2/23/07)

Takeshi Morishima vs. Homicide (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Philadelphia 2/17/07)

Homicide is the reigning and defending champion. Morishima is the invading monster and everyone is just going to kind of ignore that he lost to Samoa Joe the night before this title shot. Morishima jumps Homicide in the aisle and bounces him off the barricades. He runs him around ringside and DDTs Homicide on the … Continue reading Takeshi Morishima vs. Homicide (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Philadelphia 2/17/07)

Austin Aries vs. Takeshi Morishima (ROH Battle of St. Paul 4/28/07)

This match is early enough in Morishima’s title reign that it should feel like a foregone conclusion but because of the similarities to Aries beating Samoa Joe there’s just a little bit of doubt. The crowd is solidly behind Aries, especially when he makes Bobby Cruise announced that he was proudly trained in Minnesota. Morishima … Continue reading Austin Aries vs. Takeshi Morishima (ROH Battle of St. Paul 4/28/07)

Christopher Daniels vs. Roderick Strong (ROH Battle of St. Paul 4/28/07)

This is the second to last ROH match for Daniels this run as he’d leave the promotion until 2010 after Good Times, Great Memories. This match is for Roderick’s FIP Championship. Daniels goes for a handshake at the beginning of the match and Daniels slaps it away. Roderick gets a quick armdrag that stuns Daniels … Continue reading Christopher Daniels vs. Roderick Strong (ROH Battle of St. Paul 4/28/07)

I Quit Match: Tyler Black vs. Danny Daniels (AAW Windy City Classic III 11/24/07)

The opening hype video for this match reminds us that the entire feud is built on Tyler and Jim Jesus disrespecting Danny’s dead dad and peeing on his grave. Tyler tries jumping Danny in the aisle and Danny is ready for him. They ram each other into the guardrails and Tyler just slams his body … Continue reading I Quit Match: Tyler Black vs. Danny Daniels (AAW Windy City Classic III 11/24/07)

Jayson Reign & Danny Daniels vs. Tyler Black & Chandler McClure (AAW Scars & Stripes, 7/14/07)

This match is available on the AAW Best of 2007 DVD and it stands out among a sea of guest star matches as one of the few matches featuring local Chicago and just AAW featured guys, although to be honest I’m not sure how focused on Reign was by 2007. Add in the fact that … Continue reading Jayson Reign & Danny Daniels vs. Tyler Black & Chandler McClure (AAW Scars & Stripes, 7/14/07)

Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. The Highlanders (Rory & Robbie McAllister) (WWE Heat 11/11/07)

This is from the time when Heat was streamed on WWE.com and broadcast overseas, so I’m not hopeful it’ll be uploaded on Peacock any time soon. Although if it is, that’d be great, because it feels like a trove of London & Kendrick matches if nothing else. For now, though, it’s down to random streams … Continue reading Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. The Highlanders (Rory & Robbie McAllister) (WWE Heat 11/11/07)

Scotty Vortekz vs. Cloudy (CZW Dishonorable Conduct 8/11/07)

Vortekz is the reigning light-heavyweight champion. He tries jumping Cloudy at the bell but Cloudy fights back and the trade headlocks. Cloudy follows up with a headscissors and a pair of armdrags. Vortekz bails to the floor and Cloudy follows, bouncing his head and his back off the apron before grabbing a smaller ladder. He … Continue reading Scotty Vortekz vs. Cloudy (CZW Dishonorable Conduct 8/11/07)

Chuck E. Cheech (Chuck Taylor & Cheech) vs. Team AnDrew (Andy Sumner & Drew Gulak) (CZW Dishonorable Conduct 8/11/07)

While Ricochet was trying to escape being the double moonsault guy, Chuck Taylor is more than happy to be the guy who threatens to hit kids on the way to the ring no matter what promotion he’s in. It’s always interesting seeing the first reactions to this versus the second or third kid who Chuck … Continue reading Chuck E. Cheech (Chuck Taylor & Cheech) vs. Team AnDrew (Andy Sumner & Drew Gulak) (CZW Dishonorable Conduct 8/11/07)