Cody Rhodes vs. Will Ospreay (ROH War of the World 5/7/17)

Cody is firmly entrenched with The Elite by this point, but I’m not sure this won’t have a lot of the same challenges as Cody vs. AR Fox. The biggest difference is than ROH is all character in ROH and won’t have to wrestle this as a clean exhibition match so, while he’s not going … Continue reading Cody Rhodes vs. Will Ospreay (ROH War of the World 5/7/17)

Punishment Martinez vs. Adam Cole vs. Bully Ray (ROH War of the Worlds 5/7/17)

This feels like a promising singles match being made worse by the addition of Bully Ray. I don’t think it’s controversial to say that the entire (much too long) Bully Ray run in ROH is now looked back less than fondly. Punishment vs. Page in 2017 could be pretty good, the only real question is … Continue reading Punishment Martinez vs. Adam Cole vs. Bully Ray (ROH War of the Worlds 5/7/17)

The Rebellion vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (ROH War of the World 5/7/17)

The Rebellion here are represented by Caprice Coleman & Rhett Titus. The Rebellion tries to jump the Guns at the start of the match but it doesn’t go well for them. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin get the advantage, send the Rebellion to the outside and hit stereo topes onto them. Shelley sends Coleman back … Continue reading The Rebellion vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (ROH War of the World 5/7/17)

The Rebellion vs. Donovan Dijak, Lio Rush & Jay White (ROH TV 1/22/17)

The Rebellion are Caprice Coleman, Rhett Titus and Kenny King and they have an issue with Lio. Both Lio and Dijak are nearing the end of their time ROH so this might start wrapping up some loose ends. Jay White as the fresh young babyface still feels natural even after years of the Switchblade. Dijak … Continue reading The Rebellion vs. Donovan Dijak, Lio Rush & Jay White (ROH TV 1/22/17)

Necro Butcher vs. Go Shiozaki (ROH Eye of the Storm 2/22/08)

This match is part of a one-night tournament to crown a number one contender. It wasn’t the original plan, but after bad weather led to multiple wrestlers missing the show, this was the backup plan for the guys who were able to make it to Long Island. Necro jumps Shiozaki at the bell and sends … Continue reading Necro Butcher vs. Go Shiozaki (ROH Eye of the Storm 2/22/08)

AJ Styles & Homicide vs. The Prophecy (ROH Wrath of the Racket 8/9/03)

The Prophecy here are Dan Maff and Christopher Daniels. They’re accompanied by Allison Danger and Jim Cornette. Maff and Daniels get a pretty positive reaction. AJ’s partner Red is injured so he’s bringing in Homicide to help defend the titles until Red gets healthy. Homicide and Styles hit the ring and both teams brawl to … Continue reading AJ Styles & Homicide vs. The Prophecy (ROH Wrath of the Racket 8/9/03)

Samoa Joe vs. BJ Whitmer (ROH Wrath of the Racket 8/9/03)

After watching the strangely booked mess that was BJ-Morishima, I felt compelled to go back and check out BJ’s previous no-shot at winning hometown title match. Like the Morishima match, BJ is at best sharing even support with the champion in this match and there’s no real sense that the crowd expects a title change … Continue reading Samoa Joe vs. BJ Whitmer (ROH Wrath of the Racket 8/9/03)

BJ Whitmer vs. Takeshi Morishima (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Dayton 2/23/07)

This is the first title defense for Morishima and is a pretty weak one. BJ is still in the middle of his feud with Jimmy Jacobs and he’s nowhere near being a threat to the world title. Morishima jumps BJ at the bell and dumps him to the floor. He stands on BJ’s neck and … Continue reading BJ Whitmer vs. Takeshi Morishima (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Dayton 2/23/07)