Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay (WCW Slamboree 5/17/98)

This is one of those combinations that just made sense whenever the two guys were in the same company. WCW didn’t run it as often as I’d have expected but WWE did a fair amount in 2006. Finlay shoves Benoit on a break of the lock up and Benoit throws a chop in retaliation. They … Continue reading Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay (WCW Slamboree 5/17/98)

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Scott Norton (WCW Nitro 3/8/99)

This is unmasked Rey taking on Scott Norton with a shaved head. This is part of the brief run Rey got after losing his mask before being dropped back down the card. Norton stalks Rey into the corner, pins him briefly with his body, and then puts Rey down with a single chop. He pulls … Continue reading Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Scott Norton (WCW Nitro 3/8/99)

Nikita Koloff vs. Vader (WCW Worldwide 5/16/92)

Vader is the current number one contender and is accompanied by Harley Race. Nikita is the number eight contender and is accompanied by Dusty Rhodes which immediately makes this a little more interesting due to the Race/Dusty history. Jesse Ventura is confused why he’s there and Dusty immediately goes after Race and brawls with him … Continue reading Nikita Koloff vs. Vader (WCW Worldwide 5/16/92)

Roadblock vs. Jeff Jarrett (WCW Saturday Night 10/26/96)

Roadblock was always one of my favorite WCW job guys, just because it always felt like maybe they’d take a chance on him just because of how big he was. They didn’t, but they could have. Jarrett feels like an interesting stylistic match for him but I’m interested to see what a quick match between … Continue reading Roadblock vs. Jeff Jarrett (WCW Saturday Night 10/26/96)

“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan vs. Meng (WCW Thunder 1/29/98)

This feels like a potentially interesting TV match between two tough guys. Duggan calls for an early USA chant and then just clubs Meng with double sledges. Scott Hudson lets us know it’s like getting hit with canned hams. Meng pulls Duggan to the floor and throws some punches but gets sent into the post. … Continue reading “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan vs. Meng (WCW Thunder 1/29/98)

La Parka & Silver King vs. Bobby Eaton & Kenny Kaos (WCW Saturday Night 1/9/99)

Previous snark aside, this match actually has some potential and with a ten-minute window there’s a chance it’ll exceed expectations. Eaton is an all-time tag worker, La Parka and Silver King are both good, and Kaos has enthusiasm, so let’s see what happens. Silver King and La Parka are representing the lWo. Parka is shaken … Continue reading La Parka & Silver King vs. Bobby Eaton & Kenny Kaos (WCW Saturday Night 1/9/99)

Nick Dinsmore & Mike Sullivan vs. Scott & Steve Armstrong (WCW Saturday Night 1/9/99)

Mike Tenay tells us, in no uncertain terms, that this isn’t a match in the tag title tournament. I’d ask why we would need to be told this, but Bobby Eaton & Kenny Kaos vs. La Parka & Silver King was a title tournament match on this same show so who knows what the requirements … Continue reading Nick Dinsmore & Mike Sullivan vs. Scott & Steve Armstrong (WCW Saturday Night 1/9/99)

Avalanche vs. Sting (WCW Main Event 11/20/94)

John Tenta’s run as Avalanche isn’t talked about much, and with most of it being in the Dungeon of Doom there’s a reason for that, but this feels like a combination that should work given Sting’s chemistry with Vader. Sting poses and Avalanche jumps. Avalanche backs Sting into the corner but Sting rolls out. He … Continue reading Avalanche vs. Sting (WCW Main Event 11/20/94)