Lex Luger vs. Barbarian (WCW Saturday Night 6/15/96)

Luger is the TV champion while Barbarian is one-half of the Faces of Fear. Luger is about to face Giant and the announcers wonder if he’ll be able to get a submission with the Torture Rack.Barbarian gets the early advantage by running Luger over with a shoulder tackle. Luger backs off before trying to use … Continue reading Lex Luger vs. Barbarian (WCW Saturday Night 6/15/96)

Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers (WCW Saturday Night 6/15/96)

These two teams faced off a lot; this is one of their lower profile matches. The Steiners are on the road to a collision with Fire & Ice. Scott runs over Booker T and then throws him with hiptoss where it looked like Booker almost landed on his feet. Scott follows that up with a … Continue reading Harlem Heat vs. The Steiner Brothers (WCW Saturday Night 6/15/96)

Waverider Craig vs. Danny Dominion (MAW 8/3/96)

This is for the MAW Cruiserweight title that Dominion currently holds and, in order to win, one wrestler needs to put the other through two tables. Waverider Craig is a young Hardcore Craig with long blonde hair and a wetsuit. A kid in the crowd lets him know that “We don’t surf in Milwaukee” which … Continue reading Waverider Craig vs. Danny Dominion (MAW 8/3/96)

Shawn Michaels vs. Sid (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

Shawn is in the middle of his run as Jose Lothario’s friend and being generally unlikable. Sid is very popular in NYC. It’s an unusual dynamic but the vocal part of the crowd definitely has someone they’re rooting for. Vince talking about how Shawn lives and dies on the crowd’s adulation and then trying to … Continue reading Shawn Michaels vs. Sid (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

Bret is returning from some time off after working a limited schedule following the Iron Man match at WrestleMania 12. He’s agreed to face Austin and, in the video for the match, calls Austin one of the best wrestlers in the WWF. The video also puts over a winning streak for Austin and his attitude. … Continue reading Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

Mankind vs. Undertaker (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

Paul Bearer is in a shark cage above the ring. If Undertaker wins he’ll get time in the ring with Bearer. This is a month after Undertaker was buried alive, and the announcers let us know that he’ll be a little different coming back from that. Undertaker’s music hits and that’s enough to get Bearer … Continue reading Mankind vs. Undertaker (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

Leif Cassidy, Marty Jannetty, Owen Hart & British Bulldog vs. Phil LaFon, Doug Furnas, Henry Godwinn & Phineas Godwinn (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

The Godwinns and Can-Am Express get absolutely no reaction which doesn’t bode well for this match. With that said, there’s enough talent in here that it could turn into something decent. Heel New Rockers does play into Al Snow being a natural curmudgeon so that might help too. Jannetty starts things off with LaFon and … Continue reading Leif Cassidy, Marty Jannetty, Owen Hart & British Bulldog vs. Phil LaFon, Doug Furnas, Henry Godwinn & Phineas Godwinn (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

Roadblock vs. Jeff Jarrett (WCW Saturday Night 10/26/96)

Roadblock was always one of my favorite WCW job guys, just because it always felt like maybe they’d take a chance on him just because of how big he was. They didn’t, but they could have. Jarrett feels like an interesting stylistic match for him but I’m interested to see what a quick match between … Continue reading Roadblock vs. Jeff Jarrett (WCW Saturday Night 10/26/96)