The Rebellion vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (ROH War of the World 5/7/17)

The Rebellion here are represented by Caprice Coleman & Rhett Titus. The Rebellion tries to jump the Guns at the start of the match but it doesn’t go well for them. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin get the advantage, send the Rebellion to the outside and hit stereo topes onto them. Shelley sends Coleman back … Continue reading The Rebellion vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (ROH War of the World 5/7/17)

Beer Money (Robert Roode & James Storm) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) (TNA IMPACT Victory Road 7/11/10)

This is for the tag titles but neither team is going in as the champions. Storm and Shelley start things off. Storm briefly is able to use his power, but Shelley out-quicks him, so Storm goes to the eyes. He tags in Roode and Shelley escapes an arm wringer to tag in Sabin. Roode tries … Continue reading Beer Money (Robert Roode & James Storm) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) (TNA IMPACT Victory Road 7/11/10)

I Quit Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Alex Shelley (ROH Joe vs Punk II, 10/26/2004)

Jimmy and Shelley had some moments as a team in ROH, but Jimmy’s been on the wrong end of some Generation Next beatings since then. Shelley has two singles wins over Jacobs going into this. They come out swinging and Jacobs ends up getting dumped to the floor. He pulls Shelley off the apron and … Continue reading I Quit Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Alex Shelley (ROH Joe vs Punk II, 10/26/2004)

Chris Hamrick vs. Alex Shelley (IWA-MS Anything Goes 10/24/2003)

The “Confederate Currency” gimmick wasn’t great in 2003 and it certainly hasn’t aged well in the last 17 years. It’s really the same issue as Tracy Smothers wearing the Confederate Flag. I think Hamrick is the bad guy here but the crowd is cheering for both guys so we'll see how the match goes. Dave … Continue reading Chris Hamrick vs. Alex Shelley (IWA-MS Anything Goes 10/24/2003)