Buddy Rose & Doug Somers vs. The Midnight Rockers (AWA 8/30/86)

The Midnight Rockers are Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. Rose and Somers are accompanied by Sherri Martel and are defending the AWA tag team titles. The announcers make a weird comment about the crowd being quiet while they’re loudly booing Rose and Somers. Buddy Rose stalls early and doesn’t want anything to do with Shawn. … Continue reading Buddy Rose & Doug Somers vs. The Midnight Rockers (AWA 8/30/86)

Tito Santana vs. The Executioner (WWF WrestleMania 3/31/85)

The first match on the first WrestleMania is Tito Santana vs. Buddy Rose in a mask. Honestly, in 1985 Tito is a relatively big deal and is in the midst of his feud with Greg Valentine over the IC title. Executioner lets us know that he’s going to target the injured leg, and that’s all … Continue reading Tito Santana vs. The Executioner (WWF WrestleMania 3/31/85)