Nick Berk vs. Flash Wheeler (JAPW March Madness Night One 3/23/01)

Nick Berk is a staple of CZW. Flash Wheeler is not a member of FTR but both members probably owe him some royalties. This is the first Wheeler match I’ve ever seen although his Cagematch profile shows that he was a regular on Northeast indie shows through the early 2000s. Berk is coming off the … Continue reading Nick Berk vs. Flash Wheeler (JAPW March Madness Night One 3/23/01)

Nick Berk vs. Ric Blade vs. Reckless Youth (JAPW The New Beginning 2/3/2001)

Reckless is an indie blind spot for me. I’ve seen some of his work, but I know him more by reputation than by matches I’ve seen. He’s out first with the cheapest of cheap heat, running down ECW and Philadelphia before telling the crowd they should respect someone from Memphis, Tennessee. Blade and Berk I’ve … Continue reading Nick Berk vs. Ric Blade vs. Reckless Youth (JAPW The New Beginning 2/3/2001)