Reckless Youth vs. Steven Regal (MCW 6/5/00)

This is an I Quit match in Memphis Championship Wrestling and is definitely one of those matches I can’t believe happened. Regal and Reckless trade wristlocks. Regal throws a forearm and an uppercut but runs into a snapmare. Reckless gets a headscissors but Regal just powers him into a double underhook suplex. He tries going … Continue reading Reckless Youth vs. Steven Regal (MCW 6/5/00)

Reckless Youth vs. Minoru Fujita (CZW Take One 6/8/01)

Fujita is in the middle of couple month tour of Northeast indie shows while Reckless is pretty solidly an indie veteran at this point. The announcers promise a technical match and this should be a pretty big change of pace from everything else on the show. They trade holds to start and it’s definitely at … Continue reading Reckless Youth vs. Minoru Fujita (CZW Take One 6/8/01)

American Dragon vs. Reckless Youth (ECWA 5th Annual Super 8 Tournament 2/24/01)

By reputation alone, this match should be awesome. Reckless is considered one of the best technical indie wrestlers from the early 2000s. American Dragon’s reputation speaks for itself. They’re definitely in different parts of their career but this certainly has high expectations going in. The crowd is behind Dragon but not overwhelmingly so. Dragon takes … Continue reading American Dragon vs. Reckless Youth (ECWA 5th Annual Super 8 Tournament 2/24/01)

Mike Sullivan vs. Reckless Youth (ECWA 5th Annual Super 8 Tournament 2/24/01)

Sullivan is another Florida independent talent who I’m mostly aware of from IWP Hardcore. Reckless is a northeast mainstay. This is the final match of the first round and Reckless is definitely the crowd favorite going on. This starts much more methodically than the other first round matches as they work for hammerlocks and trade … Continue reading Mike Sullivan vs. Reckless Youth (ECWA 5th Annual Super 8 Tournament 2/24/01)

Nick Berk vs. Ric Blade vs. Reckless Youth (JAPW The New Beginning 2/3/2001)

Reckless is an indie blind spot for me. I’ve seen some of his work, but I know him more by reputation than by matches I’ve seen. He’s out first with the cheapest of cheap heat, running down ECW and Philadelphia before telling the crowd they should respect someone from Memphis, Tennessee. Blade and Berk I’ve … Continue reading Nick Berk vs. Ric Blade vs. Reckless Youth (JAPW The New Beginning 2/3/2001)