I Quit Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Alex Shelley (ROH Joe vs Punk II, 10/26/2004)

Jimmy and Shelley had some moments as a team in ROH, but Jimmy’s been on the wrong end of some Generation Next beatings since then. Shelley has two singles wins over Jacobs going into this. They come out swinging and Jacobs ends up getting dumped to the floor. He pulls Shelley off the apron and … Continue reading I Quit Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Alex Shelley (ROH Joe vs Punk II, 10/26/2004)

Jimmy Jacobs, Adam Pearce & Lacey vs. BJ Whitmer, Colt Cabana & Daizee Haze (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Philadelphia, 2/17/2007)

This is a continuation of the Jacobs/Whitmer feud and the Cabana/Jacobs/Lacey love triangle. All six are wearing their street fight gear which means mostly jeans and tank tops, although Jimmy does have a button-down shirt and suit pants. The early part of this match is four people brawling on the floor while two are in … Continue reading Jimmy Jacobs, Adam Pearce & Lacey vs. BJ Whitmer, Colt Cabana & Daizee Haze (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Philadelphia, 2/17/2007)

Nigel McGuinness vs. TJ Perkins (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Philadelphia, 2/17/2007)

The opener on the second night of the Fifth Year Festival features an on the rise Nigel McGuinness versus a now unmasked TJ Perkins making I believe his official ROH debut under that name (after a brief stint as Puma in 2005). TJ gets to run wild on Nigel early, using his speed to his … Continue reading Nigel McGuinness vs. TJ Perkins (ROH Fifth Year Festival: Philadelphia, 2/17/2007)

Homicide vs. Jimmy Rave (Ring of Honor: Fifth Year Festival NYC, 2/16/2007)

This is for the Ring of Honor World Title. Homicide is returning to the building where he won the belt from Bryan Danielson a few months earlier. This is the high point of his ROH career as he’d lose the belt on the next show, be gone from the promotion a couple months later. He … Continue reading Homicide vs. Jimmy Rave (Ring of Honor: Fifth Year Festival NYC, 2/16/2007)

Samoa Joe vs. Takeshi Morishima (Ring of Honor: Fifth Year Festival NYC, 2/16/2007)

This match kicked off the beginning of Samoa Joe’s farewell tour in Ring of Honor after being a company mainstay since 2002. Morishima was the next big thing coming into Ring of Honor from NOAH, following KENTA and Naomichi Marafuji, and it was widely assumed this would be Joe being taken down by the new … Continue reading Samoa Joe vs. Takeshi Morishima (Ring of Honor: Fifth Year Festival NYC, 2/16/2007)