Buddy Rose & Doug Somers vs. The Midnight Rockers (AWA 8/30/86)

The Midnight Rockers are Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. Rose and Somers are accompanied by Sherri Martel and are defending the AWA tag team titles. The announcers make a weird comment about the crowd being quiet while they’re loudly booing Rose and Somers. Buddy Rose stalls early and doesn’t want anything to do with Shawn. … Continue reading Buddy Rose & Doug Somers vs. The Midnight Rockers (AWA 8/30/86)

Shawn Michaels vs. Sid (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)

Shawn is in the middle of his run as Jose Lothario’s friend and being generally unlikable. Sid is very popular in NYC. It’s an unusual dynamic but the vocal part of the crowd definitely has someone they’re rooting for. Vince talking about how Shawn lives and dies on the crowd’s adulation and then trying to … Continue reading Shawn Michaels vs. Sid (WWF Survivor Series 1996 11/17/96)